Thursday, 1 November 2012


Dating is hard enough, but becomes even more complicated if the man
you're dating has kids. This is a dating situation where you must be
realistic and face the facts, even if those facts have cute curly hair
and freckles. Use the following suggestions to apply to your situation
so you'll know how to handle dating a man with
kids.Difficulty:Challenging Things You'll Need: Patience Tolerance for
children Instructions
#1. Talk to your man as soon as you find out that he's a single dad.
Find out about his relationship with his children and how much time he
spends with them. You can find out a lot about your own relationship
and where it's going by learning about his relationship with his kids.
He's a dad and his kids should come first. If they don't, you may need
to rethink dating this man.

#2. Ask yourself if you can handle this type of dating situation
before you get any deeper into the relationship. You'll be expected to
share your time together with his
children. There may be times that he's not available for you because
of commitments he has with his children. You'll have to understand and
accept this; he'll appreciate you
even more if you can do this.

#3. Give the new relationship time to blend. You'll need to be
flexible and open minded. You may have special dinner plans and then,
surprise, the kids are coming along. This could be a great experience
for all of you and set the foundation for a good relationship in your
future if you learn to be flexible and good-natured about unexpected
changes of plans.

#4. Prepare yourself to understand that the "ex" will always be in his
life to some extent as they share children. Make sure that
you don't overstep your role in the children's lives,
but rather attempt to establish a supportive role
in the event their mother needs assistance or the plans change. They
have a mother and it's best to not make her feel threatened by your
appearance in her children's lives.

#5. Use patience in getting to know the children when the time comes.
You'll be getting to know them and they're checking you out as well.
Don't expect too much at first, but rather take your new relationship
with his kids slowly and just let it develop naturally over time.

#6. Let your man discipline his children. Try not to make negative
comments about their behavior in front of the kids. Sit back and see
how he handles the discipline situation with his kids. If he asks for
your input or opinion, give it with great caution. Tread lightly in
this area until you all get to know each other much better.

#7. Take time to evaluate the entire situation of dating a man with
kids if the relationship is becoming more serious. Find out if he
wants more children or if he is even able to afford the things in life
that you want in your future. He has to consider future expenses he
will have for his children, so find out where you fit in the financial
picture where he's
concerned. There are children involved in this
relationship from the start and if you're not in it for the long run,
you should consider dating someone else.

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