It's important to nurture a relationship so you can make it ever
lasting. Men and women do different things when they're in a
relationship, though both are guilty of making mistakes! It's
important for both sexes to know the mistakes we make in
relationships, but today we're going to discuss the top mistakes women
make in relationships. Here are some of the biggest mistakes women
make in relationships so you can try to avoid them.
#1. BEING OVERLY P0SSESSIVE: Being jealous, constantly checking up on
him, and trying to control everything he does are all good indications
that you're too possessive! These types of behavior can surely damage
your relationship.
#2. TRYING To CHANGE WHO He Is:- One of the worst mistakes women make
in relationships is trying to change their man. Women fall in love
with a man with the assumption that they'll be able to change him.
But, if you entered into a relationship with him, you already knew how
he was, and you accepted it when you got into a relationship with him.
#3. TAKING HIM FOR GRANTED: Whether you've been dating for a few
months or you've been together for years, a lot of women tend to take
their man for granted. Women don't do things to keep the spark going,
like making their man's favorite meals, or surprising him with a back
massage, or any of those other things you used to do before, but you
don't anymore.
#4. Moving Too FAST:
When women enter a relationship, they take things too fast! A
relationship should evolve slowly, it takes time. Even before the man
thinks about taking his girlfriend to introduce her to his parents,
she's already inviting herself for dinner… this leaves him feeling
trapped and scared, so you
shouldn't rush him.
Another one of the top mistakes women make in relationships is when
they are constantly yapping! There's nothing a man hates more than
when a woman just keeps rambling on and on about a subject.
#6. Trying To Control HIM: There's nothing worse in a relationship
than when a woman tries to control his every move! He doesn't want you
telling him how to dress, what to eat, or what time he needs to be
home! Ease up!
#7. Being Too Attached:
Another mistake women make in a relationship is being too clingy to
their man. There should be some distance in a relationship so you can
actually miss each other. But, instead a lot women suffocate men and
attach themselves to their hip. Men hate overly attached women.
Women Tend to make the mistake of getting angry over the little
things, and this drives men nuts. Guys hate your constant nagging, it
can quickly ruin a relationship!
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